Versatile New FC-387 “Atlantis” solid-state large diaphragm condenser microphone debuts at NAMM
Brian Loudenslager, Founder of Lauten Audio reveals, “The idea of the FC-387 ‘Atlantis’ microphone was conceived over several years during conversations with engineer Fabrice DuPont of Flux Studios and Puremix.net. Fab had acquired several Lauten microphones over the years and I would pick his brain at industry tradeshows about the mics. I always try and speak to owners of our products to learn where they’re using a mic most, where they feel it’s shining and where it’s not working for them.”
“We’re pleased to be at NAMM with Lauten Audio to introduce the Atlantis FC-387 microphone,” said Simon Côté, Manager of Professional Products at Audio Plus Services. “We believe in Lauten Audio’s product direction and especially their dedication to serving respected recording engineers with special designs. The ‘Atlantis’ mic will no doubt be very popular.”
Loudenslager adds, “What I am most impressed about Fab is that he is always brutally honest and never sugar-coats his opinions. It was during conversations with him that I made a challenge to myself; I wanted to design a microphone that Fab would love, one that would be part of his first choices at the beginning of a session! Over the past year I’ve had the opportunity to work with Fab and create that mic. It’s been challenging with a very rewarding end result.”
Multiple switches located on each side and back of the FC-387 Atlantis microphone allow the engineer to uniquely configure it. First is a polar pattern switch giving recordists the option of choosing between Cardioid, Omnidirectional or Figure-8 polar patterns. Borrowing the much-loved gain options from its sibling the Lauten Audio ‘Clarion’ FC-357 microphone, the Atlantis features a -10db and +10dB switch. The +10dB gain switch increases versatility by allowing a choice of whether to have more character from the preamplifier gain or directly from the microphone. While the -10dB switch reduces its output and increases the maximum SPL level allowing it to record very loud sources.
What makes the Atlantis microphone truly unique is its voicing switch. This feature gives recordists three very different timbres to choose from that satisfy an extremely wide range of recorded sources. The options are: Gentle, Neutral and Forward. The ‘Gentle’ position provides maximum control of bright or peaky sources like S’s in vocal recordings. The ‘Neutral’ position offers a nice even response with good control over vocal S’s and other audio peaks, while the ‘Forward’ position can help bring life to dull sources without having to use EQ, but while still maintaining control over any peaks.
As are all Lauten Audio microphones, the FC-387 Atlantis is built with extreme attention to detail. From the individually hand-tuned capsule and premium high-resolution electronics, the microphone is a high-quality precision instrument that will meet or exceed the demands of any studio recording environment.
Technical Specifications for Atlantis FC-387:
Type: 31.25mm dual large diaphragm pressure gradient transducer microphone
Polar Patterns: Omnidirectional, Cardioid and Figure-8 selectable
Circuit: Low-noise solid-state FET
Frequency Range: 20Hz - 20Khz
Dynamic Range: 120dB minimum
Impedance: < 200 ohms
Max. SPL: 0.5%THD@1000Hz: 130dB
Self-noise Level: < 12dB(A)
Sensitivity: 16mV/Pa OR -36±2dB 0dB=1V/Pa 1000Hz
Special Features:
3-way -10 dB attenuation, 0dB and +10dB gain switch
3-way Gentle, Neutral, Forward voicing switch
3-way Polar pattern switch
Connector: 3-Pin standard XLR
Power Requirement: +48V phantom power
The Atlantis FC-387 microphone retails for $1599. US and will be available in Q2 of 2012.
About Lauten Audio
Lauten Audio microphones continue to carve out a unique niche for recordists seeking microphones with an original sound. Their product line includes the award-winning “Horizon” LT-321 tube microphone, the “Oceanus” LT-381 transformer-less tube condenser microphone, the ST-221 “Torch” small diaphragm microphones, and the new FC-387 “Atlantis” solid-state multi-functional large diaphragm condenser microphone. Lauten Audio microphones have received rave reviews from both experienced recording engineers and leading Pro Audio magazines around the world. Lauten Audio is located in San Jose California, for more information visit http://www.lautenaudio.com or call 1-877-721-7018.
About Audio Plus Services
Established in 1979, Audio Plus Services is a leading North American importer and distributor of premium consumer and professional electronics brands including Focal monitors, Vovox cables and Lauten Audio microphones. Based in Montreal with U.S facilities in Champlain, NY, Audio Plus has sales personnel located throughout the United States to professionally service their active roster of more than 300 specialty A/V and Pro Audio dealers. Audio Plus specializes in products and services for the professional audio and performing musician markets, and the home theater and custom integration (CI) market – both residential and commercial – for North America. Visit the Audio Plus website at http://www.audioplusservices.com/ or call (800) 663-9352 for more information.