Champlain, NY — November 19, 2010 — Audio Plus Services, the distributor behind Focal Professional and Vovox products in North America, announced today that they have signed a new exclusive value-added distribution agreement with Lauten Audio for their full line of microphones. Lauten Audio products have evolved over the years to include four distinct microphones: the "Clarion" solid-state low-noise FET, the "Horizon" cardioid tube, the "Oceanus" condenser transformer-less tube, and the "Torch" pressure gradient condenser tube. Each microphone has received rave reviews from both experienced recording engineers and leading pro audio magazines around the world.
"We are extremely excited about bringing on the Lauten Audio microphone line," said Simon Côté, Manager of Professional Products at Audio Plus Services. "The pro audio market has already embraced the quality and sound of these excellent microphones over the past few years and I am sure that our dealers across North America will welcome their product line for their customers. We look forward to a successful sales and marketing relationship with Lauten Audio!"
Brian Loudenslager, Founder of Lauten Audio added, "Audio Plus is a great fit for Lauten Audio and the perfect partner to help us expand our presence in North America. It also allows us to continue our focus on research, engineering and new product development, and work as team to ensure the right products enter the marketplace at the right time. We are very excited to team up with Audio Plus and looking forward to a successful partnership."
Sales Contacts:
USA: Simon Cote - scote@audioplusservices.com
Canada: Ron Sluzar - ron@pacificislandaudio.com