Male vocal samples are now available in the
Lauten Sessions area of our website. Look for the
Vocals - Chi McClean link under
Solo Voice and Vocals.
A couple months ago we spent the day with Producer/Engineer
Matt Boudreau at
Broken Radio Studios in San Francisco recording
Chi McClean, a fantastic singer/song writer with excellent vocal tonal quality. These sound samples are available in 24bit/96k wav files for a high quality listening experience.
We used our Clarion, Oceanus and Horizon microphones for this session a long with a nice diverse selection of preamps including the
Summit Audio Everest;
my favorite for this session by the way), the Summit 2ba-221, Brent Avril 1272's for you Neve fans, and the Universal Audio 710's.
The signal chain for this session was Mic -> Preamp -> Lynx Aurora Converters -> Pro Tools. As with all our samples, we used ZERO EQ and ZERO Compression.
Feel free to load these into your preferred audio editing software and add EQ or compression. Since these audio files are quite large we recommend downloading them to your local computer before playing. If you want to use these files for anything other than to hear what Lauten Audio microphones sound like, please contact us for usage rights.
P.S. Next up Taylor 814ce and Gibson J45 Acoustic Guitars!